Do we give the proper value?

Aren’t we forgetting the real value of what surrounds us? Do we look at things with objectivity? Can we remember that we are just lucky to be born here, in this side of the planet? Do we hardly leave our stressed lives and our small world to think about injustice, war, hunger, that millions of human beings are suffering? If so, it is time to stop that tendency and save what should be better in each of us, in all human kind, that is, feelings of compassion, solidarity, capacity of feeling.

And why does it happen? Is it frightening to go on to the other side? I think that it is more comfortable for us, to treat those problems as a hermetical environment, a place where we don’t want to go often. But I’m sure that, even if we are blind, one day it will overlap on us.

We treat our lives as microcosms of the world, we want it to be perfect, and we work for it. However, in order to be really happy, we must use our skills, use our intelligence, our heart, basically we are not outsiders of the humanity and its problems, but instead we have to assume our responsibilities and start working for a better world, to leave a legacy to the future.

After we realise what the object is, we can start thinking in all those protagonists of an unfair world. And then, we will remember when we take a simple glass of water, that millions have no drinking water at all and must walk several miles to obtain only a few litters and most of them are vulnerable children. We must imperatively appreciate the small things near us. Absolutely never forget to appreciate life, family, music, silence, peace, beauty, nature, children, company, laughs, friendship, books…(and so on).

Basically, I wrote about this theme because of the book I just finished reading, called “The Book Thief”, from Marcus Zusak, an Australian writer. This book tells us about a little girl living through the World War II. One passage from the book describes us how important small things are. Liesel receives from a neighbour the ration portion of coffee, a true treasure in those days, in exchange for reading a book, sometimes in Frau Holtzapfel`s house and other times inside the anti-bomb shelter.

Somehow we will manage to be complete human beings, despite this modern life which is fragmented by technologies and stress, and I’m sure, we will finally be able to continuously communicate and share our feelings.



Sunday, 26 April 2009

Mice, brains and ants, strange combinations but wonderful

The Austrian artist Peter Kloger (b.1959) rose to international prominence in the late 1970s with his space –related works reflecting on the nature and the impact of modern media. His exhibitions break down all our notion about what should be art and how it is represented. In Lisbon, it wasn`t different. Kogler tries all the time and from different ways illustrate the news organizational models in the 21st century
Giant tubular forms drawn in the large entrance hall invite the visitors to a monstrous imaginary travel through the new media-networked society. Despite the first intention of the artist is represent the new technological era and its chaos, the impact of the black network of pipes take several direction, in other words, allow the visitors to make different interpretations.
The presence of ants in the paintings is constant. They appear in large number, perhaps to show that even being smalls, working together they are able to do any task. It makes comparisons between nature and technology. Both, nature working together and technology linked in network can overcome any challenge.
The convolution of the human brain is also a motif for the artist. He paints it in big scale, so the visitors can take perception about how it functions. Quickly, the visitors understand the artist sight. In this case, he sees a human brain as a network which can only work together.
The technologies, such as video, synchronised projection, graphic design take place in this exhibition. Kloger use them to show the nature evolution. In a dark and large projection room the visitors can see mice in movement. It starts with one mouse, little by little, the room is full of mice. It seems very real, it`s incredible and in same time a little bit scary. The visitor, particularly kids used to try in vain smash them.
That is an unusual exhibition, so I’m sure that everyone, no matter the age, will enjoy it.


Rachel said...

It seems to me one of those things that you have to see for yourself. But sounds very different, which is plus for me.

Russo said...

Very interesting report and exhebition to visit. Never heard of this exhibition before.

ValentinaP said...

really strange but interesting expecially because he tried to represent the human brain convulsions....I think the artist did a great study and preparation to reach his actual artistic level!!

A new experience


I´m Paula , I´m 42 years-old and I´m living in Lisbon but I spend my weekends in a country house!

I feel passion for my daughter and my family.

During the year, I use to go several times to Prague ,in order to visit my child that´s currently studying Medicine there. I just love that city, we can go everyday to concerts or ballet cheaper than the cinema. My hobbies are books, books, books, music , music , music ( classical/opera). My favourite performer was, is Maria Callas.

I also spend my free time, taking care of my garden and cooking, when possible I attend to some workshops to learn more about foreign cuisines and painting.

I´m always dreaming about the next travel!

At this point of my life I´m completely focused in my studies, I´m loving this new experience.

Best Wishes!


Merry Christmas

When snow is shaken
From the balsam trees
And they're cut down
And brought into our houses
When clustered sparks
Of many-colored fire
Appear at night
In ordinary windows
We hear and sing
The customary carols
They bring us ragged miracles
And hay and candles
And flowering weeds of poetry
That are loved all the more
Because they are so common
But there are carols
That carry phrases
Of the haunting music
Of the other world
A music wild and dangerous
As a prophet's message
Or the fresh truth of children
Who though they come to us
From our own bodies
Are altogether new
With their small limbs
And birdlike voices
They look at us
With their clear eyes
And ask the piercing questions
God alone can answer.

Anne Porter

Merry Christmas ,