Do we give the proper value?

Aren’t we forgetting the real value of what surrounds us? Do we look at things with objectivity? Can we remember that we are just lucky to be born here, in this side of the planet? Do we hardly leave our stressed lives and our small world to think about injustice, war, hunger, that millions of human beings are suffering? If so, it is time to stop that tendency and save what should be better in each of us, in all human kind, that is, feelings of compassion, solidarity, capacity of feeling.

And why does it happen? Is it frightening to go on to the other side? I think that it is more comfortable for us, to treat those problems as a hermetical environment, a place where we don’t want to go often. But I’m sure that, even if we are blind, one day it will overlap on us.

We treat our lives as microcosms of the world, we want it to be perfect, and we work for it. However, in order to be really happy, we must use our skills, use our intelligence, our heart, basically we are not outsiders of the humanity and its problems, but instead we have to assume our responsibilities and start working for a better world, to leave a legacy to the future.

After we realise what the object is, we can start thinking in all those protagonists of an unfair world. And then, we will remember when we take a simple glass of water, that millions have no drinking water at all and must walk several miles to obtain only a few litters and most of them are vulnerable children. We must imperatively appreciate the small things near us. Absolutely never forget to appreciate life, family, music, silence, peace, beauty, nature, children, company, laughs, friendship, books…(and so on).

Basically, I wrote about this theme because of the book I just finished reading, called “The Book Thief”, from Marcus Zusak, an Australian writer. This book tells us about a little girl living through the World War II. One passage from the book describes us how important small things are. Liesel receives from a neighbour the ration portion of coffee, a true treasure in those days, in exchange for reading a book, sometimes in Frau Holtzapfel`s house and other times inside the anti-bomb shelter.

Somehow we will manage to be complete human beings, despite this modern life which is fragmented by technologies and stress, and I’m sure, we will finally be able to continuously communicate and share our feelings.



Monday, 15 December 2008

Hey class!

My name is Rosanna, but everyone calls me Roxie. You probably know me as the girl who always has an opinion to give! Well...yeah, that's me, can't be quiet if I don't agree!
I'm supposed to talk about me in order for you to get to know me better, right? Ok..what can I say?
I'm a 20 year old girl living in Portugal for about 14 years. I'm half Austrian from my father's side and half British from my birth mother's side...and a bit Portuguese as well, because my father is married to a Portuguese who adopted me soon after they got married. Yeah, all mixed up, that's me!
I'm particulary found of arts! Photography and acting are on the top of my list. I was in the Conservatory of Vienna for three years! There I improved my acting skills a lot and even got some jobs! I guess it runs in the family, my grandfather was an actor too.
I like to talk a lot, I'm a comunicator from birth on! Although I talk quite much, I don't let people get to know me that well, at least not at first... My best friend got killed in a car accident last March and my cousin October 2007 and I just got closed in myself. It's not easy to think about it, so I try not to...this way I don't have to deal with it. I don't talk about it, but I write a lot!
Ok, enough with bad things...I'm crazy about tea! I don't know why..maybe it's my British side kicking in, I just know if I don't get that cup of tea per day, it won't be a good day!!!
I like English a lot. Maybe because I feel I can express myself better in English, or maybe because it's a international language and I feel kinda foreign here in Portugal...I have four other blogs and a photography blog as well, and most of them are written in English, although I don't think I'm that good at it!
So...I think I've written a lot...I hope you like the blog! And I hope we'll all get to know each other a little bit better!

See you Wednesday!


Saturday, 29 November 2008

Getting to know me...

Hello everybody!
I'm Xana, a nineteen year old girl and I'm also one of the group blog memebers.
My story is still being written, but here's the scoop so far.
I was born in Barreiro, but I grew up in Fátima after moving there when I was just two years old.
I than moved again to Barreiro after living in Fátima for 12 years.
I'm now on my first year of the LLC degree in university and I'm learning English and Spanish right now yet I'd love to also learn Italian in a near future.
I never know what to write about myself so I'll just tell you that I'm a Julie Andrews freak since I was a kid.
Moving on...
During this year, after my mom's death my life became a rollercoaster, believe it or not, but I try to keep my chin up and keep on smiling.
In the end, you never know what tomorrow might bring. Now you know at least a little bit about me.
You might be wondering about the picture I posted!
That is a picture of my mother and I. She not only was my mom but also the bestest friend I could have ever had!
Keep checking the blog and I hope you'll enjoy what my classmates and I will be writing here.


Thursday, 27 November 2008


Hello. I am one of the group blog members. My name is Vasco, I'm sure you remember me from classes.
Perhaps you're wondering why I chose a picture of Madonna to introduce myself... Specially in a coffee blog. Well, we all thought we should briefly talk about ourselves in the beginning of this blog. I'll start by saying I am eighteen, I am from Ericeira (but living in Lisbon for the moment), and studying in the first year of the Translation degree.
I chose translation because I have always been fascinated by languages. I am currently taking English and Spanish but also plan to do Swedish in the next year.

Like languages, music has always been part of my life. That leads to the picture I posted. Not only Madonna is my favourite singer, she is also one of the women I admire the most. And she is an icon of the English language spread throughout the world. As you can see, it's not random at all.

Like my fellow group members, in this blog I will try to talk about the English subject: assignments, group works, and trivia. I hope you enjoy my contributions.

Saturday, 22 November 2008

Looking myself!

Hi, everyone!
I`m going to speak a little bit about me in order to you know me better. So, as you know, my name is Carlos Carvalho, and you don`t need to know how old I am. I can just assure you that I`m young man. I was borne in São Tomé and I live in Portugal since 2000. But I intend to return when I finish my studies. In my spare times I like to surf in the internet, practice some sport, go out with friends, read, and dance. Maybe dance is one of those things you never will see me doing. However, some people say that I`m good dancer. Hip hop, reggae and kizomba are some kind of music I like listening. I’m studying translation, and for me learning English is a kind of challenge, because I always was bad student in English. But, it wasn`t my fault. It was because of my past English teachers.
It’s all by now and I`m glad to have you as mate!

A new experience


I´m Paula , I´m 42 years-old and I´m living in Lisbon but I spend my weekends in a country house!

I feel passion for my daughter and my family.

During the year, I use to go several times to Prague ,in order to visit my child that´s currently studying Medicine there. I just love that city, we can go everyday to concerts or ballet cheaper than the cinema. My hobbies are books, books, books, music , music , music ( classical/opera). My favourite performer was, is Maria Callas.

I also spend my free time, taking care of my garden and cooking, when possible I attend to some workshops to learn more about foreign cuisines and painting.

I´m always dreaming about the next travel!

At this point of my life I´m completely focused in my studies, I´m loving this new experience.

Best Wishes!


Merry Christmas

When snow is shaken
From the balsam trees
And they're cut down
And brought into our houses
When clustered sparks
Of many-colored fire
Appear at night
In ordinary windows
We hear and sing
The customary carols
They bring us ragged miracles
And hay and candles
And flowering weeds of poetry
That are loved all the more
Because they are so common
But there are carols
That carry phrases
Of the haunting music
Of the other world
A music wild and dangerous
As a prophet's message
Or the fresh truth of children
Who though they come to us
From our own bodies
Are altogether new
With their small limbs
And birdlike voices
They look at us
With their clear eyes
And ask the piercing questions
God alone can answer.

Anne Porter

Merry Christmas ,